By Brian Weilert
Spastic me I have A.D.D. DD DDD D
should have stopped after just two but unspent energy made me press on through
and add with much built up
glee the additional 6 unneeded D's.
I have been diagnosed this academic quarter with an Attention Deficit
Disorder. Teachers all echoed I just couldn't sit still wanting to shove my mouth full of little round pills.
My failure to listen to boring lectures while in my seat caused the school psychologist to repeat...
have A.D.D. DD DDD D
My parents fought it at first fearing a decision made in haste claiming my excess creativity
was a refreshing splash of color in a world filled with white paste. But...with 11 educated minds claiming my
world must be closed in I was lovingly pumped full of the choice drug, Ritalin.
Immediately, I ceased to move
about as my thoughts became clouded. I was lost in a bland planet my ideas on life had been shrouded.
God what has happened to what used to be me? Please give me back my A.D.D. DD DDD D
At 5, I swore I would
sleigh ride to every country on the lap of Saint Nick as a reporter and photographer for National Geographic.
7, my future career made a drastic switch as my finger paintings depicting dinosaurs in rocket ships using colors
not normally combined and requiring 15 minute explanations each time were destined to exhibit I would
have taken bets, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art also known as the M.E.T.
9 was a dramatic shift
as school became something I deplored. I found my teachers didn't like me when I finished early and became bored.
I was yelled at for asking "stupid" questions while out of my seat or for doodling bunnies with wings on the
edge of my worksheets
It was then I first heard the whispers you see of the meaningless letters A.D.D.
Up to this point I had made straight A's "Test him for GIFTED" is what they'd say. But....for some
reason in 3rd grade Mr. Roth labeled me trouble. I started to fail despite my efforts being doubled.
I became
angry as I was humiliated in front of my peers forced to sit by myself hearing mumbled jeers. Or to stand
at the chalkboard with my nose in a circle that required me to be up on my toes.
At this point I hated
Mr. Roth I hated school. I hated my classmates for labeling me the fool. I hated my parents who were beginning
to fold for not seeing me as ME but as what they'd been told.
So when summer came round I was once again
free I screamed, "To hell with A.D.D. DD DDD D!!!"